The Coming Winter
The Grand Canyon
18” x 24”” x 30” Oil on canvas

In the Great Plains-Lewis & Clark Expedition (1805)
24” x 36” Oil on canvas (sold)

11” x 14” Oil on canvas (sold)

The Last Hunt
16” x 24” Oil on canvas (sold)

The Coming Storm
24” x 36” Oil on canvas (sold)

Last Look-Fort Washington 1805 (Present day Cincinnati, OH)
24” x 36” Oil on canvas (Available at Lord Nelson’s Gallery-www.lordnelsons.com)

Red River Gorge Kentucky
11” x 14” Oil on canvas (sold)

Upper Yellowstone Falls
11” x 14” Oil on canvas (sold)
Gates of the Rocky Mountains-Lewis & Clark Expedition (1805)
4’ x 8’ Oil on canvas (sold)

Rumored Incursion-Lewis & Clark Expedition (1806)
20” x 30” Oil on canvas (sold)
Lower Yellowstone Falls
30” x 40” Oil on canvas (sold)

Waiting Out The Storm – Wind River Range, WY
12” x 24” Oil on canvas

Could Be Trouble
20” x 30” Oil on canvas
Sunrise in the Teton’s
Delta Lake, Grand Teton NP, WY
16” x 20” Oil on canvas

The Miner’s Wonder
Rainbow Falls, North Cascades NP, WA
16” x 20” Oil on canvas
Heaven’s Gate – Land of the Blackfeet
View of Grinnell Lake, Glacier NP, MT
24” x 36” Oil on canvas
Among the Shoshones
The meeting of Sacagawea’s brother
15” x 30” Oil on canvas
A Night on the Hudson
24” x 36” Oil on canvas
Nowhere to Hide
Wagons on the Great Plains
27” x 17” Oil on canvas
Summer on the Divide
18” x 24” Oil on canvas